Wednesday, May 11, 2011

plastic bags, jars, and grocery shopping

lately i have totally changed my grocery shopping habits, mostly due to inspiration at I had taken my own grocery bags to the store for a while, but i realized my efforts were far fetched after seeing the amount that bea has done. Yesterday was my first trip to the store with jars, which i used for deli meats! exciting for me, maybe boring for you, but if i can change your mind for just one second, pleasure me! The use of an air tight jar in place of the plastic bag is totally sustainable and stops waste right at the source. I just loved getting my turkey in a jar, so french market european. I have already been doing the produce bags, but this just took it to a whole nother level. I was a little anxious to ask for meat in a jar, but the man at the counter had no questions at all. and to think it happened in my very own HEB (big chain grocery store) in San marcos (little texas town). Even Bea had problems at Whole Foods in Marin County! I love the surprises life gives you sometimes, and the waste saving options that I am continuously finding. Heres hoping you can figure out some as well!


Tuesday, May 5, 2009


so, totally forgot this existed. it prompted a trip to my old live journal /flicker/photobucket / any other random website i started an account on. those are looks into the past that only made me wonder where the time gone . so im gonna try this blog thing out again. i have no idea who is reading this but im making it public to you and the rest of the free world by linking it to my facebook. i guess if youre gonna have a blog you might as well try to get some readers , unless it just makes you feel good for yourself. i dont really care, i just dont know about my subject matter... everyones got these quirky fun topics for their entries , but i can only imagine mine are mostly everyday ranting... whatever, we'll call it a social experiment and see how many followers i can gain through the intrigue of my ramblings.

my most frequent thought right now ...just how much im loving this flannel shirt.its on me and im in it and therefore all is pretty damn OK.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

getting out

i cant wait to leave austin, even if just for a little while!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


I have been hurting myself alot lately...careless clumsy bumps and falls that actually cause alot of pain. last weekend i did enough crucial damage to my pinky toe that it is still swollen and i cant walk with shoes on (im still searching for clues as to how this accident happened...)
on monday i slammed my ring finger in the door which, ironically, actually had a ring on it, and i slammed it so hard that the ring dug into my finger and my neighbor had to pull it off with pliers. not a joke. My middle finger that day mysteriously became very numb to the point where i could pinch it and not feel it, and the pain was shooting down towards my wrist. that was really cool.

ive also had a lot of stubbing my toe, hitting my funny bone, and scraping my knee on furniture...the stuff that is common but you worry when it happens on a daily basis.
i even hit my head opening my laptop just now...on the top half. i dont even know how that happens.i dont think i could re-do if it tried.

well atleast one thing doesnt hurt: schools out. we celebrated appropriatey last night and earned ourselves our 5th noise complaint. just one more till eviction! were definately going elsewhere tonight.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

In the spirit of negativity and prime procrastinaton...

Liz has inspired me to hate. Ramble on....

Things I hate( ok ok, scratch that)

Things i strongly dislike

1)bikers that ride in the middle of the lane
2)whole foods (especially on saturdays)
3)people that cry all the time
4)people that dont speak english at the store and then act annoyed when i ask them questions (this happened at tjmaxx recently and yes, they were a regular salesclerk)
5)cilantro, bell peppers, dark chocolate, pound cake
6)the bubbly song thats always on the radio, that girl should be shot (in the foot)
7)marbollo lights
8)people that smoke marbollo lights
9)jessica simpson
10)tostitos commercials

ok heres some stuff i like for some yin and yang

1)bamboo products
2)coconut shreds, bok choi and sweetleaf honey-mint tea
3)suave commercials
4) liz's flipnotics discount
5)sun harvest ( i love that place ,its always so calm and smells nice)
6)my dyed flowers
7)world market (and my jasmine lotion i got there!!)
8)disposable cameras
9)my red tool kit and all of its glory
10)mulicolored light bulbs

k wow i feel really cool now!!!

EDIT// i just remembered one of my ultimate annoyances of ALL TIMES!!
People that cant figure the different of their,there and theyre! Also too and to. Also people that say Kool , skool, kewl, or rox my sox. i feel gross just typing those out!

Friday, March 28, 2008

i feel kind of lost.....

i have no idea who this person is.

i took a trip down memory lane to livejournal, as i was reminded of it today....i realized that online journals like that really are like pieces locked in time that represent everything you were feeling/thinking/believing on that certain day and time. while running across pictures like this and being shocked because i really dont recognize that person or why shes so happy....ive decided not to delete it...even though im tempted.

im at megans (hi megan). i hope you are enjoying your nap. m &k are also alseep. the birds are chirping....the sun is shining (kindof)...ok enough.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Austin Java

Im sitting at austin java which is a place i would normally never go because the food is overpriced the bread SUCKS ( i mean what else matters) and flipnotics like my second home....but thus it is overstuffed with hipsters so i find myself here so i can try to study. of course i gotta check all my cute little websites first. i click automaticaly to gmail and facebook but im forgetting to check this new blog.
i was reminded just now because i felt the need to discuss the girls next to me....

i really try to keep an open mind but sometimes its just too difficult to me a civil non judgemental mother teresa. (ok its hard all
the time to do that, i just keep my mouth shut more often).

girl a : This city is so cute!
girl b: i know, i love the decorating!
girl c: austin is so funky!
girl a: have you seen the drag? its so weird and cute!
girl b:god im like looking at all this food but im sooo not hungry, im so cracked out on aderol right now!
girl a: aww thats fun!

heres how me and liz feel about this....

oh heres the last night of spring break....
now back to reality......